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Your personal path back to your power, and to the potential that you've had all along. More information here.
We’re starting at the Base Chakra. Also known as the Root Chakra. We’re doing this because the Root Chakra is the slowest vibrating Chakra, and it’s the one upon which all of the other Chakras are built.
And we can’t build anything solid without proper foundations!
From a physical point of view, it’s located at the base of our spines. The energy, emotions and stories we carry about our Root Chakras are typically centred on our need to survive.
If we have an imbalance in our Root Chakra it will fundamentally affect the way we live our lives and effectively keep us in ‘Survival mode’.
When we are simply surviving, we cannot thrive.
The Sacral Chakra is the next point of the map on our journey to increase our vibration. It’s the Chakra that vibrates slightly faster than the Root Chakra and it’s an important part of our Energy Guidance System.
Our EGS helps us identify what’s true for us from what’s not at a soul level. The better we feel, the more aligned we are with our purpose here, the worse we feel, the further we are away from it.
If we feel awful, then it’s because what we are taking as a fact is in fact not true.
We can use this to navigate our lives.
When we were looking at the Root Chakra, we were dealing with the very basics of life - security and safety. With the Sacral Chakra, we’re looking at creativity, partnership in our lives and the ability to receive pleasure - and abundance.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the next point of the map on our journey to increase our vibration. It’s the Chakra that vibrates slightly faster than the Sacral Chakra and it’s an important part of our Energy Guidance System.
When we were looking at the Sacral Chakra, we’re looking at creativity, partnership in our lives and the ability to receive pleasure - and abundance. With the Solar Plexus Chakra, we’re looking at our self-esteem, our ego and our relationship with ourself. Wrapped up in this is is our power, our strength and our boundaries.
Trigger Warning - we will be talking about Trauma, including in relationships.
The Heart Chakra is the next point of the map on our journey to increase our vibration. It’s the Chakra that vibrates slightly faster than the Solar Plexus Chakra and it’s an important part of our Energy Guidance System.
With the Heart Chakra, we’re looking at our emotional power - our ability to give and receive.
Trigger Warning - we are going to be talking about trauma again, and also, I’ll be mentioning abuse.
The Throat Chakra is the next point of the map on our journey to increase our vibration. It’s the Chakra that vibrates slightly faster than the Heart Chakra.
With the Throat Chakra, we’re looking at our will - our ability to communicate and to express ourselves. We’re examining our truths. And we’re listening to the truths of others.
This Chakra is the gateway between our Head and our Heart and it’s where our internal dialogue starts to be externalised.
As a wise man once said to me ‘Free your mind… your ass WILL follow’.
In an experiment we do in the Overview video, we create physical changes, made in response to something that only exists in our minds.
THIS, in a nutshell, is why our Third Eye Chakra is so important - we create our reality in our minds, which in turn drives our physical response to it. Not the other way around.
So, if we want to create the reality that we desire, we need to know how to do this consciously, rather than reacting to what is around us and letting external circumstances dictate what we believe.
The Crown Chakra is the final stage on the map of our journey to increase our vibration. It’s the Chakra that vibrates slightly faster than the Brow Chakra and the one on our body that vibrates the fastest.
With the Crown Chakra, we’re looking at our spirituality - our self-knowledge and our relationship to God/Tao/The Universe etc.
It’s where we become enlightened and transcend - it’s here that we understand cosmic consciousness.
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